Maven 3.12 – languages

  • Added Italian language
  • Minor graphical improvements

In this version of the app we have modified all our source to accept translations, it has been a lot of work to make all the labels on the screen adapt correctly to the possible different lengths of the text.
We believe that the bulk of the work has been done, further translations of the app will come soon.

5 Replies to “Maven 3.12 – languages”

  1. Fantastic app! Thoughnot sure why but lots of issues with video / photo settings in waypoints section.. Using the over or under exposure, iso, aperture and shutter adjustments were very problematic. Also video preview window was freezing up. All worked fine few weeks ago on my last flight.

    Using magic mini 1
    iPhone 14 pro
    All software is current on all hardware.

  2. Ho acquistato sia su ipad che android la versione a pagamento non riesco a settare la risoluzione video rimane bloccato su setting foto sia con switch su foto che video..

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